Artificial Turf, The Bahamas

Homeowners and schools in The Bahamas face a tough challenge to keep their lawns looking green and pristine, despite the intense summer heat. With sports fields also requiring safe playing surfaces regardless of weather conditions, maintaining lush outdoor spaces is no easy feat!

Homeowners everywhere are making the switch to Turf in Caicos’ cutting-edge, engineered synthetic turf for an attractive transformation of their outdoor areas. By utilizing custom projects crafted from this advanced material, you can enjoy unrivaled performance and aesthetics that will last through any conditions – a must-have for those looking to revamp their landscaping!

Transform your home into the space of your dreams! Our team of experts specialize in quality products and reliable service that will turn any vision to reality. With our fast installation times and outstanding customer care, you can explore a breathtaking collection within our gallery – all with minimal hassle!

Go With Turf

Take your field performance to the next level and maximize athlete development! Our artificial turf offers a realistic look and feel, coupled with state-of-the art sensors that measure agility and speed at every match. All this comes in budget friendly options tailored to fit any investment – you won’t find better value for money than right here!

Artificial turf is the ideal solution for making a space extraordinary! Whether transforming backyards into dreamy havens or constructing durable sports surfaces, this versatile material offers an array of advantages to athletes and homeowners. Put your best foot(ball) forward – choose artificial turf today!


Homeowners now have a great alternative to keep indoor and outdoor areas looking beautiful while saving time, money, and the environment! Artificial turf offers all of the aesthetic appeal of real grass without any of its maintenance issues. Plus, it requires less water for added savings on bills; no more worrying about seeding or mowing either – just spend your days enjoying nature with none of the fuss.

Artificial turf systems provide enhanced resilience and quality to commercial buildings for a long-term investment. These turfs are not only cost efficient over time, but also require little maintenance to keep up– allowing guests the opportunity to enjoy an optimal recreation surface no matter what season or weather conditions it is!


Athletic Teams

Our athletic field system is revolutionizing the industry – and it’s easy to see why. With its ability to be customized in both shape and size, along with unparalleled drainage capabilities, our product has earned widespread praise from users everywhere for providing an all-inclusive solution!

Want to take your athletes’ performance to the next level? Our artificial turf offers a life-like experience using superior safety features. Hi-tech agility and speed sensors measure match performances, allowing you to maximize athlete development – all coupled with budget friendly materials tailored for any size investment!

Turf in Caicos

Make your outdoor transformation a reality with our turf consultation! We’ll work closely with you to create the perfect design for your property in The Bahamas, ensuring that it meets all of your needs. In no time at all, we can make sure there’s an vibrant synthetic lawn outside of yours – without any labor from yourself!

You can install artificial grass in The Bahamas, by calling Turf in Caicos and setting up a consultation with our talented artificial turf team. The number to reach us at is (888) 888-8888. Check out our reviews!