We have multiple reps based in our Turks and Caicos headquarters and we happily service all corners of the Carribbean. Please call (649) 348-3022 to speak with one of our experienced Turf in Caicos representatives to discuss your artificial turf project.

Generally speaking, our turf ranges from $2 – 5 per square foot, depending on the type and size of the turf you desire. For costs specific to your project, please contact us directly. And while it may seem cost-prohibitive initially, keep in mind that there are significant advantages of implementing an artificial surface in your yard. You will save considerable time and money by not having to water your grass (or pay for the accompanying water bill); not having to pay for fertilizer; and not having to mow the lawn and pay for gas for your mower, while having a beautiful and durable new lawn surface!

Artificial grass + roof deck = heaven!  Yes, you can absolutely put artificial turf on a roof deck! In fact, the green surface of the turf creates a lush feel, and enhances your outdoor space. Not only will you have a great view from your roof deck, but your view from the inside out is also visually appealing – artificial grass ties everything together and is an easy, low cost, low maintenance way to cover your deck. Consider adding a bare-foot friendly, durable, stain resistant surface where the whole family can hang out.

Whether you have one pet or several, our turf products are created to drain properly. We offer a special pet deodorizer, containing organic zeolite crystals, which neutralizes the ammonia found in pet urine.  As long as all solid waste is cleared off of the surface any water or pet urine will seep through the porous turf and directly absorb into the ground, just like grass.

The best way to clean your putting green or synthetic lawn surface is to use a leaf blower to blow off debris. A nylon bristle with straight edges also works very well to rake up the fringe areas and remove leaves. To thoroughly rinse down areas we recommend using a chemical free cleaner, such as a combination of vinegar and water or Simple Green. If you have any stubborn areas that you are having trouble cleaning off, using a stiff broom and water can work wonders. Every few months you should sweep or brush the turf to ensure that the fibers stand up straight, which will maintain its appearance long term.

Our turf products are frequently used on athletic surfaces of all types, including football and soccer fields, indoor workout facilities, and many iterations of indoor playing fields (baseball and soccer clubs, etc). Our synthetic turf is non abrasive, meaning you will not get turf burn if you fall or slide on it.  All of our products are made from the highest quality materials and are 100 percent recyclable.

There is no minimum length, but our standard width is 15 feet.  Our turf specialists are available to discuss your project and offer suggestions regarding the size and type of artificial turf that will best suit your needs and your budget.  At our Turf in Caicos store, we have many pieces of various kinds of artificial grass from previous projects that range in size. These pieces are reduced in price and often work well for smaller projects.

Even during the rainy season, our turf products are insignificantly affected by Mother Nature. Our products are made to drain at a rate of 30 inches per hour.

Turf in Caicos is the home of experienced artificial turf installation. Not only do we provide expert installations, but we also equip our customers with the knowledge they need to install the turf themselves. Our comprehensive DIY videos found on both our website and YouTube channel will walk you through every step – enabling you to achieve a personalized, successful installation!

Investing in quality turf means enjoying long-term peace of mind! SYNLawn offers a 15 year warranty, while other outdoor artificial turfs are expected to last for 10-15 years. Indoor installations, known for their carpet-like feel, may need replacing after 8–15 years – but with the right maintenance plan, your investment will keep going strong!

Most of our products are designed to efficiently drain liquids; however, some of our short pile turf does not have the same capabilities. Contact one of our turf specialists to help you determine which solution is right for you.

We have multiple reps based in our Turks and Caicos headquarters and we happily service all corners of the Carribbean. Please call (649) 348-3022 to speak with one of our experienced Turf in Caicos representatives to discuss your artificial turf project.

PFA stands for Per- and Polyfluorinated Substances. PFAs are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water.

Specific PFAs have been associated with a variety of health effects. Such as, altered immune and thyroid function, liver disease, lipid and insulation dysregulation, kidney disease, adverse reproductive and developmental outcomes, and cancer.

All synthetic turf products currently produced at SYNLawn are manufactured without PFAs. SYNLawn specifies that all turf ingredients be free of PFAS when purchasing raw materials. Our raw materials and finished goods have been submitted to third-party analytical chemistry labs and tested for 32 PFAS using state-of-the-art procedures finding that PFAS concentrations were below detectable limits. In 2020, SYNLawn removed a fluorinated polymer (non-migrating and not one of the 32 PFAS of concern) from the turf construction. This was a proactive decision over and above the regulation to eliminate doubt of PFAS during testing. SYNLawn continues to be the leader in artificial turf – safe for consumers – safe for the environment. As we understand the concern on the presence of these chemicals, SYNLawn will continue to monitor and safeguard the quality and safety of their products. SYNLawn prides itself on its responsibility to the health and safety of our customers and employees, to the environment and to manufacturing in a responsible manner.